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Hava Raucher


1971   B.A. Tel-Aviv University.

1974   Avni Art Institute.

1980   M.F.A  Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. USA.

Teaching  positions

1983-1988   Avni  Art Institute, Tel Aviv Israel.

1991-1993   Art  Department, Kay College, Beer Sheva, Israel.

1988-2010    Art  Department  Talpiot College Tel Aviv  Israel.

One Person Show

2014     " Venus Reaches Up"  Exhibition & catalog,  Artists House, Tel Aviv.  

2012    "There Is a Reasonable Fear Of Disruption" - a window installation Gal-On Gallery, Tel Aviv. 

 2011  "City Square" sculpture Installation. Artists House, Tel Aviv.

2010   "Sacred Mothers" Outdoor Installation, Weizman Avenue Ramat Hasharon.

2009   "Not for sale" out door Installation in the public sphere, Tel Aviv Artists House.

2007   "Sacred Mothers" out door  installation. Artists House Tel Aviv.           

2006   "The Twenty-Fifth of May 2006"  Exhibition & catalog,  Artists House, Tel Aviv.

2005   "Calender Girls"  out door installation.  Artists House , Tel Aviv.

1999   "Image and Imagination"  Exhibition & catalog,    Artists House, Tel-Aviv.               

1994   "Testimony"  Arsuf Gallery,  Exhibition & catalog, Rishpon, Israel.

1993   "Imigration"  Museum Wilfrid Israel, Israel.

1993   "Self  Portrait-A Frame of Reference"  Arsuf Gallery, Rishpon, Israel.

1992   "Paintings" Sara Ermann Gallery, Tel-Aviv.  Israel.

1985   "Self Portraits"  Alon Gallery, Jerusalem. Israel.

1983   "Hava Raucher  Paintings"  Timothy Burns Gallery, St, Louis. USA.

1981   "Hava Raucher Paintings, Drawings & Models"   N.A.M.E Gallery, Chicago, Illinois. USA.

1980   "Sea, Light  And Beach Chairs"   Gallerie Ninety Nine, Miami, Florida. USA.

1979   "Paintings"  National Art Center, Soho,  New York . USA.

Selected Group Shows


2020   "REPRESENT", SeeMe, Digital Exhibition, New York.

2020    Art Takes Armory 2020  “S/he Persisted…” SeeMe  art Exhibition New York.

2019   "And the ship is still sailing"  Tel Aviv, Artists' House, curator Dalia Danon.

2019   "Women Create Reality" Rishon Lezion, Artists' House, Curators Dvora Morag and Anat Mandil.

2019    "The ideal of female beauty and the struggle for its preservation" Tel Aviv, Kibbutzim Seminary Arts Campus. 


2019    "Once upon a time, I was"  Zuzu Gallery,  Exhibition & catalog, curator Rotem Ritov.

2018    "In our voice, on racism, sexism and multiple exclusion of women" Exhibition & catalog, Tel Aviv, my sister's house. Cutated by                        Shula Keshet and Farid Abu Shakra.

2018    "Athens in Tel Aviv" Exhibition & catalog, Tel Aviv, Neve Schechter Gallery, curator Shira Friedman.                                                                                                           

2018    "With the passage of time" Exhibition & catalog, Rehovot, Municipal Gallery.

2017    "Hannah Orloff: Feminist Sculpture in Israel" Haifa, Mana Katz Museum, curator Svetlana Reingold.

2016    "Be There" Exhibition & catalog, Rishon Lezion, Gordon House, Curator Efi Gan.
2013    Sacred OR Sacrilege The Israeli Corporeal Body: Whole-Fragmental- The Open University Of Israel.                                                                  Exhibition & catalog.                                                                                                          

2010    "See The Other Inside Me" the gallery  of Oranim College.

2009    "When  Light Met Shade"  Holon Children Museum.

2008    "Salt of the Earth" Wilfried Israel museum.

2007    "Oh My Native Country " Artist House Tel Aviv.

2006    "tracing Shadows"  . The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

2005    "Passages"  Artists House , Tel Aviv.

2005    "Calender Girls" Old Jaffa, Tel Aviv.

2005    "Across The Road"  Shelter 209 , Tel Aviv.

2004    "The Magic  Rabbit"  Forum Museum Gallery, Rechovot.

2003    "The Art Of Aging" Exhibition & catalog.  Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute Of Religion Museum.

2000    "Golden  Aging" ,  Artists House, Jerusalem. Israel.

2000    Israeli Deligation To Moscow  "Israeli Artists in Moscow"  Exhibition & catalog, Russia.

1999     Israeli Deligation To "Salon D'Automne Espace Eiffel-Brandy", Exhibition & catalog, Paris, France.
1997     "Eye Level" Artists House, Jerusalem, Israel.

1996    "Four Realist Painters" Exhibition & catalog, Reuben And Edith Hecht Museum, Haifa, Israel.

1995    "Gender Bent" Artists House Jerusalem, Israel.

1993    "Artists"  Arsuf Gallery. Israel.

1990    "Eighteen Israeli Artists"  Die Pumpe, Berlin, Germany.

1989    "Painting From Nature" Forum  Museum Gallery , Rechovot. Israel.

1987   "Rega 6", Tel-Aviv. Israel.

1983   Timothy Burns Gallery, Art International, Chicago Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois. USA.

1982   Mitchell Museum, MT. Vernon, Illinois. USA.

1981   the 34 Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, Evansville, Indiana. USA.

1981   Washington University. Museum. Steinberg Hall, St. Lous, Missouri. USA.

1976   "Aklin" Haifa Univ. Arts Centre, Haifa. Israel.

Awards and Scholarships

1974   American-Israel Cultural Foundation Scholarship.

1976   Israel Ministry of Education Scholarship.

1977   American-Israel Cultural Foundations Grant.

1981   Bronstein Purchase Award, Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, Indiana, USA.

Judge in, the prize "Young Artist" by the Ministry of Culture and Sports 2015.

Judge in, the prize "Artist In Community" by the Ministry of Culture and Sports 2014.

 Member in Section of Plastic Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Sports 2014.


Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, Evansville, Indiana, USA.

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© 2020 by  Hava Raucher

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